Grace abounds, doesn’t it?

Let’s all pretend we’re sitting around my table. We’re in the middle of a fun, comforting and maybe a little funky meal. Maybe you should always picture it that way when you’re around my table. As we’re enjoying our time, I welcome that slight pause in the chatter and pose one of my table topic questions. The responses to these questions are genuine soul food to me.

Here’s my question do you extend grace? To yourself? To others? First let me say, this can be tough on so many levels. For me, it’s that deep inhale and exhale of a new beginning; no matter how many times, no matter the stage of the game. It’s shifting the perspective from myself to the bigger picture. It’s shifting my gaze (and this may be literally) to all the grace that surrounds me. It can be a sunrise or sunset or something more intangible. And very pointedly breathe in and speak out all the gratitude for the person, group or situation. And this is a place where I get specific in my listing. Then somehow, my focus shifts to actually being more grace-filled instead of just wanting to be. And I have to say, this can be an hour by hour, moment by moment re-focus. But it’s so worth it. Let’s allow grace to abound.

So how about you? How do you extend grace? To yourself? To others? 

A love to hold: “The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.” Lamentations 3:22-23 Inhale this truth loves!