Lean In

Happy Day to you! It’s been a long while since I’ve checked in here. First of all, happy new year to you! So many gifts to share but one of my questions to you is…how do you prefer to engage? What makes you feel most alive? Most like you?

For me, I feel most alive when I lean in and gather with people. Take deep breaths together. Laugh. Maybe cry. Share our ideas. Encourage each other in the journey. Coffee shop or around a dinner table; equally beautiful. What I’ve also learned recently is I sincerely enjoy the process and preparation for the gathering. Leaning into the entire process. Whether I’m planning the menu, chopping veggies or setting a table, I truly enjoy the space of making it all come together. This is new to me. Who knew I enjoyed the quiet moments too? The open, full of possibilities space.

So this is one of the ways I am feasting on life…leaning in and gathering loves. Seeing the full circle happen and evolve. Over and over. How about you?