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Roasting veggies, hands down, are my favorite way to eat them. ALL of them.  I was tossing these green beans in some coconut oil before they went in the oven and I was struck with their beautiful green color. My loves and gifts today:

  • Simplicity.
  • Colors.
  • A sharp chef’s knife.
  • Catching up with a friend. 
  • New beginnings.
  • Health.

What are you thankful for? 

Oh, on roasting veggies: Set oven to 425. Of course line your sheet pan with parchment paper=). Toss veggies in melted coconut oil or butter. This is your canvas, season with sea salt and fresh cracked pepper or get all spicy and sprinkle in some curry powder or cinnamon or smoked paprika, see what you love. Once seasoned, toss in the oven for 15 minutes. Check; may need 5-15 minutes more depending on the veggies.  Remove from oven once they have those yummy golden edges. Enjoy!