Part 1 of Better Flow: What she said...

Let's chat over some coffee or soup! So I polled a few friends last week and asked "What are two things you're currently doing to better manage the flow of your day?" Their responses were a gift. Each was refreshing and great practices we can all take from and incorporate into our day. I pray they bless your daily flow too! Enjoy the repetition of common themes. In their own words, here's part 1 of what they said:

  1. Realizing that sometimes I have to say 'no' and that's okay.
  2. Getting up earlier and having quiet time, prayer and time with my husband before I take kids to school.
  3. I live by a calendar and a bazillion reminders!
  4. No phone in the mornings.
  5. Read the Word.
  6. Planning our meals better. Going to the grocery store on Saturday instead of Monday and planning the entire menu.
  7. Using technology to my advantage (making sure I put things in my calendar and set reminders, using my notes app to keep track of things etc.)
  8. Definitely do better if I wake up early! The rest of my day is a bit better. Might need a nap, but that's okay.
  9. Prep things the night before. Pray before the day starts.
  10. Take at least a 30 minute break in the middle of the day completely unrelated to work and just for myself.
  11. Making sure I do my workout in the morning because if I leave it for the evening something always gets in the way.
  12. Share gratitude.
  13. Walk and pray for each of my kids. 
  14. Erin Condren planner! It's amazing and totally customizable! 
  15. Trying to never put off a task or chore that will take less than five minutes to do NOW.
  16. Getting rid of all clutter in closets, drawers etc to streamline my efficiency.
  17. Utilizing the Cozi app.
  18. Delegating tasks/sharing responsibilities with other family members.
  19. Know when I need to unplug from technology.
  20. Being flexible.
  21. Yoga.
  22. Prayer.

Love these words... And I couldn't leave you without sharing this super simple, bless your home and belly recipe! And remember, leftovers are a blessing.

Mexican Chicken Soup

  • 2 large chicken breasts
  • 1 -28 oz can Organic diced tomatoes plus one can of water
  • 1 large zucchini, chopped
  • 1 carrot, chopped
  • 1/2 yellow onion, chopped
  • 1/3 cup Frank's Hot Sauce (or hot sauce that suits your fancy)
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp thyme

Toss all the ingredients in slow cooker. Cook on low 6-7 hours. Remove chicken breasts at the end. Using 2 forks, shred chicken on a cutting board and then slide it back into soup. Time to serve it up! I like mine over shredded kale or spinach. My fam likes theirs over crushed tortilla chips. Top liberally with diced avocado and squeeze of fresh lime! Enjoy! 
